"That Popped Right Back Into Place!"

It sounds good in theory. I totally understand that it makes sense. But adjusting the spine, even though it may have the wholly satisfying feeling of snapping two legos into place, is not the same thing at all.
Let me tell you how I know about legos. My 6-year-old son has a bin of lego sets the size of a treasure chest. It is full of them. Ships from star wars, ninja castles, battle scenes, vehicles, figurines of all shapes and sizes. And while a lot of the uncles and aunts and other family and friends have been recruited to help build, I'm the right-hand man when it comes to assembly-time.
And I'll admit, there is something satisfying about snapping a bunch of unassuming little shapes together into an awesome rocket ship. Or protected fortress.
But when it comes to the spine, as much as it feels like assembling a piece of the Eiffel Tower, adjusting is a totally different way of building something great.
Adjusting and legos are similar in some ways for sure. Both are adding incremental changes to a complicated structure. Both can create an awesome finished result from a bunch of simple little things.
But outside of that, the similarities are less than it seems. The bones in the spine, as much as they look like a collection of lego pieces, and as much as they sound like a pair of legos, snapping together during the adjustment, and as much as they feel like it too - they just aren't the same.
In your spine, there is no "interlocking mechanism." Funny thing is, even though amazing lego structures are manufactured in space-age factories with digital technology, your spine is still a lot more complicated.
What is happening is that, gradually, piece by piece, adjusting is restoring a portion of the normal range of motion back into the spine with each movement of the vertebra. Because instead of little interlocking bumps, there are layers of soft tissue in the spine, and these bits of soft tissue are influencing the quality of the movement.
And what the adjustment does, is put just the right amount of pressure and energy into just the right place. And it is the pressure change on the soft tissue that makes a satisfying little "pop."
But just like there is a big book of specific instructions for each lego set, there is a set of specific instructions guided by the chiropractic analysis and regular re-assessment of the spine and it's progress.
There is a very specific series of adjustments that will "assemble" that type of improvement for each person.
And bit by bit, a great piece of architecture is created. Or in the case of the spine, it is more like restored.
So while chiropractic and legos are not the same, there must be enough similarities that I enjoy both of them. At least to put off bed stories for a few more minutes.
If you feel like you are a complicated 500-piece set or even just a little set of mini-figures, you might want to check out chiropractic and see what your instruction manual says about getting put back together.
If you need help finding a chiropractor who is good at legos, give me a holler:
- Jesse Davis
7:30am - 10:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 10:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 11:00am
7:30am - 10:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 11:00am
Davis Chiropractic of Melrose
11 East Emerson Street
Melrose, MA 02176